
What are the risks of Heart Attack among Indians?

Indians have a higher risk of heart failure, 3 to 4 times higher than in other countries; we are prone to heart diseases at a much younger age, almost a decade earlier. This is mostly due to the fact that we have a higher rate of diabetes and higher cholesterol levels. Other countries have witnessed falling cholesterol levels for the whole population in recent decades, but the cholesterol levels in our country are continuously increasing because of rapid urbanisation and increased consumption of empty calories and junk food.

In addition to these concerning factors, is the heart attack affecting children under the age of 40?In various studies conducted in our country, it has been found that around 60 to 70% of them are smokers or have recently consumed tobacco. Smoking thickens blood and leads to abnormal function and swelling of the thin inner lining of the blood vessels called endothelium, which triggers coagulation and heart failure. Night shift has been found to have an increased risk of heart failure and BP due to derangement of the circadian rhythm, which is also called the sleep-awake rhythm, which leads to a change in inflammatory markers and stress hormones, thus effecting BP and heart attack risk.

Young people who have a clustering of risk factors like smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes, high stress, work or family history should be extremely cautious and attentive with regards to their health. It's vital to seek medical assessment if there is any chest pain or uneasiness. It's vital not to delay and rush to the emergency room when in doubt. Unfortunately, the normal time delay is 20 hours in India compared with less than 6 hours in other countries, and timely treatment of heart attack is life-saving.

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